
Brave browser download
Brave browser download

brave browser download

Earn frequent flyer-like tokens (BAT) for viewing privacy-respecting ads through Brave and help fund the content you love.

brave browser download

Also, you can see how many ads and trackers are being blocked by Brave every day on the New Tab Pageīrave Rewards: Turn on Brave Rewards and give a little back to the sites you frequent most. Also, plugins, which have proven to be a security risk, are disabled by default.Ĭustomize your shield settings: Brave also lets you choose your settings on a per-site or browser-wide basis. HTTPS Everywhere: Whenever possible using the HTTPS Everywhere list, Brave automatically upgrades any connection to HTTPS for secure, encrypted communications.ĭefaults settings: Browse confidently with default settings that block phishing, malware, and malvertising. However, Brave does not have the keys to decrypt your data. Sync your devices: Brave Sync enables you to encrypt and synchronize your preferred settings and bookmarks. Blocks annoying ads: This browser blocks all harmful ads, and malicious ad codes to help you to focus on the webpage you visit.įaster page load: Since it does not let load any ad codes, or tracking cookies, it loads pages faster than other modern browsers.

Brave browser download